Taking time out from our busy lives to reflect and rest is often the the time when we are the most creative and productive. I am currently poolside reading "Purpose" by Lisa Messenger and it has me thinking deeper about why I do what I do and what gets me out of bed in the AM. Lisa talks about finding your why and your how will follow. I first heard Lisa speak at the Love Mercy Foundation 20x2020 breakfast event last year where she motivated and inspired me to be the best version of myself possible.
Personally and professionally sometimes we can feel a little stuck, with a mortgage we need to pay, a relationship that may just be comfortable and a job we don't really like. Life is too short to stay in your comfort
zone just because it's easy and familiar.
The past couple of years have been the foundation for finding my why, my purpose. It all started with a trip to Uganda, Africa with the Love Mercy Foundation in 2015. I was lucky enough to be invited on their annual trip to observe the amazing things they are doing for the people of Uganda and volunteer at their annual Nike fun run. The people of Uganda have next to nothing and yet they are blissfully happy. I returned to Australia with a new found appreciation for the life we live and how our success is not measured by money or our possessions.
In Lisa's book she says to remember it's never about the money, it's about belief and trust and moments and gratitude. Trust and believe in what you are doing and the money will come. In saying that, always have a plan B - just in case, it will help take the pressure off.
Fulfilling your why isn't easy and it takes hard work and lots of courage - that's why it is so rewarding. I am fortunate enough to surround myself with likeminded individuals who are driven to be the best that they can be and have started successful businesses that continue to thrive and grow. These are the influencers of my decision to start Two Sides Accounting, Tax & Consulting.
So why do I do what I do? To help others achieve their why, by providing them with the guidance and tools to start a business and passing on my knowledge so that they feel more confident in running and growing their businesses. We are on a journey together, when my clients succeed, I succeed.
The average person spends 90,000 hours at work, so ask yourself how do you want to spend those 90,000 hours of your life?
Just remember the only thing stopping you is YOU!
Natalie Lennon
Founder & Director
Two Sides Accounting
02 9030 0269